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Any company, any project that wants to be sustainable, must respect history, and keep strong human values, which we still have the chance to express in our beautiful profession.

In Memoriam: Nos médecins


A pioneer in vestibular audio exploration in Marseille, he specialized at the end of his medical studies in ENT exploration, which he practiced both at the Timone hospital and in the first city practice dedicated to inner ear.
Constantly on the lookout for new products in his specialty, he shares, despite the skepticism of his bosses, his fascinating experience of positional vertigo, then in its infancy in the early 80s.
Anxious to transmit, he trains future hearing care professionals who have left the hearing aid school.
In 1990, he showed further innovation by incorporating the posturographic assessment (EQUITEST) into the diagnostic arsenal of balance disorders and founded the first vertigo rehabilitation center.
In 2006, Michel Paolino was the first to place the patient suffering from tinnitus at the heart of multidisciplinary care whose actors are grouped together in the same place. Surprisingly modern at the time, the brilliant idea of creating IMERTA carried great hope for improving the condition of those suffering from disabling hearing disorders. This intuition of multidisciplinarity in therapeutic care is obvious today, unanimously shared throughout the world.
Beyond all these inspirations, it was for his warm humanity that he was so much loved and missed by his patients.
We owe him these founding pillars that make Clairval a national reference center in the care of the inner ear.
The Ear Institute is its heritage with all the skills that have come to strengthen it, a logical extension of the desire to bring together the players in the same care path in the same place.
Michel, this Institute is inspired by your impulse.
Thank you

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