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We are constantly concerned with transmitting , communicating and educating patients to improve the service provided.

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Pass the relay

We organize and participate in surgical courses, operative demonstrations, and dissection courses, in France and abroad. Microsurgery and endoscopic surgery of the base of the skull have specificities that require continuous learning. We master non-routine operating procedures which must be transmitted and perpetrated.

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Training Cycle

We are committed to training healthcare professionals in very specific areas. Our resolutely practical lessons relate, among other things, to the rehabilitation of facial paralysis, vestibular rehabilitation , multidisciplinary management of deafness , functional exploration of vertigo, ...

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Improve understanding of pathologies and treatments

Therapeutic Patient Education (FTE) aims to help patients manage their lives with a chronic illness as effectively as possible. It is an ongoing process, which is an integral and permanent part of patient care.

Within the Institut de l'Oreille, we would like to offer TVE workshops for the following 3 themes:

  • Management of deafness, in particular in fitted or implanted patients

  • Tinnitus management

  • Management of vertigo and balance disorders

These therapeutic education sessions will be organized with patient associations in a dedicated room.

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Welcome and Train

Thanks to the organization of the Ramsay Health Group, we have the opportunity to welcome foreign students, doctors and researchers for a period of training and immersion in our Institute. The candidates can then immerse themselves in our practices, carry out bibliographic studies and actively participate in research actions, train on simulation devices.

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